Capsicum annuum
Super Chili peppers are highly productive and produce cone-shaped fruit with a spicy flavor. The fruit turns from green to red when ripe. These chilies are a staple of Mexican cuisine and I like to use them in stir fries, for grilling, or to add color and spice to my favorite cooked dishes. They are used in sauces, stews, chili recipes, or in mole sauce. The fruit can be used when green and is also great in salsas.
To achieve the perfect tasting salsa with sweet, salty, sour, and spicy flavors, try different combinations of: tomato, onion, pepper, garlic, salt, lime juice or vinegar, pinches of sugar, fresh parsley, mint, basil, and oregano. Enjoy!
40,000-50,000 Scovilles
Full Sun
18" Apart
75 Days to Maturity