Thick walled, juicy 2-3 inch peppers grow on stocky 2 foot tall plants that produce such high yields of Jalapenos that the plant looks like the branches will break or the plant will fall over. Jalapenos are best harvested when green and are hottest when they turn red and are fully ripe when they have a Scoville rating of 4000-5000. Easily grow your Jalapeno Galore™ peppers right in this very container, simply set it on your patio or deck as an attractive, edible centerpiece. You can also replant it in patio tubs, window boxes, grow-bags, or in limited space gardens with other compact vegetables. For best results Jalapenos require steady sunlight and regular watering in warm weather
4,000-5,000 Scovilles
Full Sun
Space 18" Apart
95 Days Average to Maturity |